The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.
                        - Marcel Proust


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Friday, March 7, 2008

A Week In The Life of Marcello!

Ciao Everyone,

As most of you know my grandfather passed on last week. I think I have handled it very well; I know he lived a full happy life of 82 years, and although I will miss him, I am happy he didn't suffer.

I guess it affected me in one way - I have not had the desire to write about my sexuality. HNT photos, yes, because they are fun, but to delve into my psyche and think about my path of self discovery, was just too much. This post is about some happenings in my life over the last 5 days. I have received a few emails all saying, "more sexuality please"....I promise a sexuality post will be up before the weekend is over. Tomorrow will be a rainy and relaxing saturday- a  perfect day to be introspective.

I spent a lot of time reading. I recently picked up Best Sex Writing 2008 because of a recommendation from Curvaceous Dee on playfulbent; this book is an absolute must read! I'm not attempting to write a review, because Marcelle Manhattan describes it to perfection in Lucrezia Magazine. I also purchased some other very sexually-interesting reads: a recommendation by Tess Madrone, Naked on the Internet by Audacia Ray; I also bought Bisexuality And The Eroticism Of Everyday Life by Marjorie Garber; & Sexuality - Key Ideas by Jeffrey Weeks. 

Twitter, Twitter, Twitter! This is one cool site, and I love the fact that we can share the small, but interesting details of our lives on the go, with our fellow sex-bloggers, complete strangers and friends.

Calling all kinksters, checkout FetLife a cool new site for those who enjoy BDSM/fetishes, and want to meet new and interesting people; there is a lot of familiar faces there. I spent some time there setting up my profile, and enjoying the site. 

I bought a new toy today - a Nexus Vibro, I have not used it yet, but a review will be coming as soon as I do. 

I had the pleasure of chatting with a very cool fellow sex-blogger, Zea, the photos on her blog are heaven in black and white.

Round and round they go - spin class is the craziest shit!. It is BDSM on a bicycle seat. I hate it, it's excruciating, I'm addicted and I don't know why - LOL!

Miz Ava asked me to do her radio show, and I accepted. I will keep you posted on the details as I get them. She is one cool, sexy and intelligent girl, check out her blog and show.

Lastly, I was able to reconnect with a close friend that I lost touch with over the last few months. He is a rare person; he helped me work through some tuff times, and I did not even know him that long.

Well, that is it for me. 



Roxy Harte said...

My condolences on the passing of your grandfather. Do not be so quick to let go of your grief, embrace your pain completely first, if only for a will be surprised at how much better you feel after you do.

Thank you for finding me on Twitter. I am pleased to have this opportunity to meet you.


Will said...

Thank you, for expanding my reading list (on the Net & off!)
Like you, I've been introspective, these last few days~~what you say about rain is true.

Your Grandfather must have been a wonderful man.
Smile, for the memory of him.

(The rain has stopped!
It's beautiful today, isn't it.
Spring ahead!)


Miz Ava said...

I agree with what roxy said in the previous comment; don't feel you need to hurry and move past this period of loss/transition and shift gears just so you can be "on". Sure, your fans love when you delve into and share the sexuality aspect of Marcello...but being present for what you need to experience before you can move past it is much more important. Write what you want and more importantly, what you need to write. Share what seems natural for you to share, regardless of whether it has an element of the sexual. Your insights are appreciated no matter how they are delivered. =)


Tess Madrone said...

Thank you for the heads up about the books. I really like getting exposed to new sex nerds. I just ordered Bisexuality and the Eroticism of Everyday Life so we can have some cyber "coffee talk" over it at some point in the future.
I hope this weekend was healing for you.

MarcelloNYC said...


Thank you Roxy. I stayed strong for the family and didn't shed a tear so they could look for me for strength. I then took a ride and cried my eyes out.


Thank you also. It is such a beautiful day here in NYC. Glad you like the recommendations; if you have any interesting reads yourself, let me know.

Miz Ava:

Thank you too. Your right, I should not try to force something that is not coming naturally. I had an interesting conversation with one of my oldest friends last night about sexuality (this is something we never engaged in as friends) a lot of questions arose about me, I told him the truth about everything and gave him the link to my blog; he called me this morning and told me he loved it.

Tess: *big smile on my face*

That sounds great. I would love to chat with you about the book. I am holding off reading it, let me know when you get your copy and we can start together....this is a deep read. So maybe we can chat about the book as we read it together.

I would also love to start a cyber-book club based on sexuality. Let me know if you are interested, or anyone else.

Essin' Em said...

I am sorry to hear about your sympathy (and currently empathy). Understand that sex blogs don't always have to be about sex, regardless of what readers want. Clearly this is what is affecting you right now, and that is ok as well.

I love Dacia's book, and bought Best Sex Writing 2008 last week, so it looks like we have similar reading lists (I also loved Whipping Girl last summer!)

I may have to check out twitter...