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Archive for the ‘’ Category

hApPy hAlF-nEkKiD tHuRsDaY!

~Feeling a little blue~

I almost posted The March 6th Mac HNt by accident; it has been a ruff day, my grandfather passed away this morning.

If I am late to comment on your HNT, it is because I will be at a wake all day.

So, here is my new HNT Pics.

Trying to be [...]

I Will Miss You Nonno!

At approximately 5am this morning, my grandfather passed on from his worldly life. I feel he held on long enough to celebrate my birthday; I was his favorite, and we shared a special bond. My grandfather influenced me and taught me so much, even though he couldn’t read or write in english or italian.

I learned [...]

hApPy bIrThDaY tO mE!

I love my birthday. I hate getting older, but I truly enjoy the whole day, even the agony of listening to each and every family member call and sing happy birthday, which I secretly love!

I read my horoscope everyday, and today I also read a daily affirmation from

“Today I will express my authentic [...]


The best of this week’s blogs by the bloggers who blog them. Highlighting the top 3 posts as chosen by Sugasm participants. 
This Week’s Picks
The Ache of Desire Unsatisfied
“J groaned in my ear, and I nearly pulled down his zipper then and there.”
“Tingles of electricity were set coursing up and down that side of my body.”
Part(y)ing [...]

Sexual-Eccentricity (My Sexual Evolution P2)

I would like to start off by saying, if you have not read my first blog post, then some of this might not be completely clear to you.

Most of you probably know that on New Year’s Eve I realized I am bisexual, and to be specific, pansexual.

So, a friend of mine that I met via [...]