A Week in The Life of My Tweets!
- Happy Monday fellow Tweeters! #
- Morning All! #
- If you have been to my blog over the last 2 days - It is down and should be up by tonight of tomorrow. Moving to WP has been a little shaky. #
- @brendajos should be. I forgot about Friday Wood. May have to start that up again. in reply to brendajos #
- Later tweets. Going to visit my nephew. hehehe #
- G’night all. Haven’t been twittering much the last few days. I’ve been consumed with my brand new nephew. Holding, feeding and changing him. #
- Blog is back up and on WP, but it will take me another day or so to put my links, header etc into it’s new home. #
- Help! I put an apple symbol in my text widget on WP2.7 and now all my text widgets vanished and there is an error message is on the my blog in reply to CurvaceousDee #
- @wendyblackheart I’m jealous in reply to wendyblackheart #
- @Mollena hehee I think she is kinda sexy and that image is even hotter. in reply to Mollena #
- Happy Sunday afternoon all, and to all my single friends—Happy San Faustino Day—patron saint of single people.. #
- Happy San Faustino Day read about this unknown holiday and saint for single people everywhere http://zoomata.com/?p=1256 #
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