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Archive for the ‘Sensory Deprivation’ Category

Andrea and I: The Not So Final Chapter

The first 4 parts of the series are here:
Part I, Part IIa, Part IIb, Part III.

This post has been a long time coming. These are the answers to a few emailed questions about my D/s relationship with Mistress Andrea, and why it ended if we still love each other so much.

I had mentioned in previous posts [...]

A Writing Assignment PII.b - The Openness and Psycho-Sexual Aspect of Our Relationship

As mentioned in the first 2 posts, we had an open relationship with a single rule - no sex with another person unless we were both part of it. I also hinted that we were both young, but I was younger. She had already received her bachelors in psychology and was finished with her masters before [...]

Personal Growth Through BDSM

Ciao Everyone:

I pose this question. Can there be healing and growth through BDSM? My answer, a resounding, YES!

The true story that follows, is from a scene that my Mistress and i performed about 8 years ago. This scene is proof that BDSM can have profound effects on an individual’s life, may it be the Dom/-mme [...]