The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.
                        - Marcel Proust

Sunday, February 10, 2008

18 Days!

It has been 18 days since I started this blog. WOW!

In this time period I have logged over 2k unique visitors and purchased my own domain. I have made a lot of new friends, and although our friendships are of a cyber nature, I hope we stay friends forever.

A few people have left comments and voted in my poll; I hope more of you decide to show yourselves, I want to hear from you all.

Note: I know I spelled Lesbian wrong in the poll. Someone voted before I had a chance to correct it, and now I unfortunately can not change the spelling. I didn't even realize it until I went to vote the next day. Sorry! 

Lastly, I would like to say that writing about my sexuality over the last two weeks has allowed me to grow so much that it boggles my mind.  It is so liberating, and very much a turn-on, to share my thoughts and my sexuality with you.

I hope you all have a happy-lazy sunday afternoon.

Thank you,


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